陶瓷 Ceramic: 10 (L) x 10 (W) x 10 (H) cm
Touch Ceramics現於線上平台推出限定作品系列—Special Edition,令愛好藝術者們足不出戶也能瀏覽及選購本藝廊來自世界各地的作品,更特設優惠價格,回饋大家對本藝廊的支持,機會難逢,切勿錯過。
Touch Ceramics now presents a new series - Special Edition, so that art lovers can browse and purchase international artworks from our gallery at home. Also, we offer special discounts with gratitude for everyone's support to our gallery. Do not miss this opportunity to collect your precious art piece.
2011 在福井縣越前市建立了窯爐,然後獨創了「夕照皿」
Komorebi 丸 Flower Ware ball
Handmade ceramic artwork, each artwork has slight difference on its texture and size, and it is the creation by artist's great efforts, waiting for your collection.
For local purchase, customer can either choose to pick up the work at Touch Ceramics or the work will be wrapped and packed and delivered by SF Express.